Sunday, August 27, 2006


I love Bonsai Gardening and now wish to share, with others, exactly how I got started as I believe this is something many people can enjoy regardless of their age.

I found fantastic information, that go me started, by reading the step by step instructions that Bonsai Masters use to grow stunning, beautiful Bonsai. The book is called

Bonsai Gardening Secrets

I highly recommend that anyone interested in Bonsai get hold of a copy - from beginner to experienced - it is full of valuable information and is written in plain English!

It contains over 95 pages of information and full colour photos that actually show you exactly what to do.

I've read quite a few books on Bonsai and most of them have 'lost me' before I really got started. This book was recommended by a friend who had insisted that I would love Bonsai and was the person that got me started in the first place. At first I really couldn't see what the fuss was about but after reading this book I really did love Bonsai Gardening.

At the time of writing this Blog, there were 2 bonuses on offer with the book - Guide for Indoor Bonsai and Your 1st Bonsai Tree - I was lucky enough to get both bonuses and feel that getting all 3 books together made my purchase well worth the money. Mind you, just being able to get going properly with Bonsai made the purchase worth every penny!

The cost? 17.47USD - amazing value for money and it offers a full 100% money back guarantee if you don't successfully manage to create a beautiful and stunning Bonsai.

To buy a copy now just click here

Next I would suggest getting a copy of

Bonsai Tree Care

This book contains over 50 colour photos and is great to add to your collection of Bonsai books. You'll learn how to identify, select, plant, grow, cure diseases, fertilize, prune, revive, wire and train all your Bonsai Plants.

There's bonuses with this one too - Growing Bonsai for Beginners and Growing Bonsai from Seed. The cost is 17.97USD and comes with a 45 day money back guarantee. Just click here to buy.

OK - you have my own testimonials about both books but if you visit the links given to read the full websites, which give the full details of what you get, you'll also be able to read testimonials from other people too - don't just take my word for it.

My friend, that introduced me to Bonsai was right, I do love it and I'm sure you will too.

Thanks for reading my Blog. I'll be updating it as often as possible and will hopefully be able to add some photos of my own successful Bonsai very soon. I'll also add more resources, links and information as I find it.