Friday, September 07, 2007

Bonsai Art

My Bonsai blog has been neglected - glad to say my Bonsai haven't though! I thought it was about time to update the page and thought you might appreciate this beautiful video. It's visually stunning and the music is very theraputic too. Just click here to view.

I don't really have a lot of time to write a great deal on this blog but if you're keen to get started, or imporve your Bonsai knowledge, then here are my favourite 2 ebooks that I just couldn't manage without:-

Bonsai Tree Care Secrets This contains over 50 colour photos rather than just giving instruction. I'm a visual person so I find the photos really help.

Learn how to identify, select, plant, grow, cure diseases, fertilize, prune, revive, wire and train all your Bonsai plants. The ebook was created from questions asked of an expert so it's very practical and full of information you actually want to know! It's very easy to read and covers everything for both beginners and experts. If you buy one ebook on Bonsai then my top recommendation is this one (I have both of the ebooks, listed here, and wouldn't actually be without either of them.

Bonsai Gardening Secrets This one has a step by step guide, even if you've never tried Bonsai before. It's really a quick start guide of over 95 pages that are written in simple, easy to understand steps. Lots of photos in this one too.
Sorry this is short and sweet. I promise to post again soon and maybe add a few pictures too. I hope you enjoyed the Bonsai video!